The way of Perkreasi

Perjalanan dalam berkreasi di jalan Allah SWT.

Permana Handiyuda
3 min readApr 17, 2021
Photo by Balkouras Nicos on Unsplash

In Indonesia, there are still many people who think that a designer is someone who must be good at painting or drawing. For a designer, expertise in drawing is certainly needed, but that does not mean that a designer must be proficient in making facial sketches that are very similar or painting landscapes as well as fine arts students or painting artists. As we all know, design is not only about looking beautiful, but also needs to be easy to understand and most importantly has a useful value.

“Actually, drawing can be fun if the rhythm of your strokes matches your inner voice.” -Permana Handiyuda

I like to draw even really like it. I didn’t finish my kindergarten level because I got sick easily, but that’s where I started to like drawing. At the age of five or six I remember the first time I was able to draw a stick man, I felt that I could do more than just draw a stick man. I use a sheet of paper like a cinema screen with the stick men as the characters. Without my realizing it I have an extraordinary imagination when telling stories through pictures, I can spend a long time in front of a piece of paper at that time.

Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

in elementary school, I was one of the three students most proficient at drawing in school. Apart from participating in competitions between elementary schools in Bandung at that time, I also like to copy my pictures into three or four sheets to be distributed to classmates who ask for my work and I often make comic strips. It doesn’t matter how good or bad the results of my picture are, but the most important thing is the satisfaction when I can turn my imagination into a real picture.

Entering a public junior high school instead of a private, forced me to slack off on drawing. I really wanted to be good at drawing anime or cartoon characters at that time. After graduating and entering an animation vocational high school, my opportunities to hone my drawing skills increased. Draw anatomy, draw objects, draw animated characters and others like people who are thirsty for pencil and paper friction.

Photo by Yanapi Senaud on Unsplash

After graduating from vocational high school for animation, I became increasingly crazy about drawing, made the animation team, got to know great animators, great comic artists and became a manager of one of the animation communities in Bandung, making me even more in love with drawing. Until around 2015 I realized I had to limit my desire to draw.

Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi Wasallam bersabda:

إنَّ الَّذينَ يصنَعونَ هذِه الصُّوَرَ يعذَّبونَ يومَ القيامةِ ، يقالُ لَهم : أحيوا ما خلقتُمْ

orang yang menggambar gambar-gambar ini (gambar makhluk bernyawa), akan diadzab di hari kiamat, dan akan dikatakan kepada mereka: ‘hidupkanlah apa yang kalian buat ini’” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim).

I think this issue has existed since the beginning when I became the administrator of the animation community, but around 2015 and 2016 after I thought about it and took that verse, I realized I had to stop preaching to creatures with spirit. Like a dashing batosai turning over his katana and promising not to kill, I think it’s time to work in a more lawful way. This is not the path that a ninja or samurai takes, but it is a path of creation. Perkreasi is Permana and his creations or in Indonesian “Permana and his creations” and this is my way.

Photo by Totte Annerbrink on Unsplash



Permana Handiyuda

working on digital product design. well aware that the designer’s job is not a problem solver but a problem collector